Monday, April 9, 2018

Crown of Life

     "When will these hard times ever end, Lord?" Do you find yourself praying again and again to be relieved of the challenges of life? You might be struggling through grief, engaged in conflict with someone, giving up an addiction, or just trying to make it through each day without collapsing from exhaustion. Life presents a lot of testing and temptation.
     God doesn't promise an easy life. He does, however, promise a great reward to those who will endure the trials. Strength doesn't have to look like you have it all together when things are hard. It doesn't mean that you come out unscathed in your battles. It means that you have been patient through the struggle and that you have continued to love and trust God. The crown of life is your future hope. One day you will receive God's eternal kingdom, and your troubles will have been worth it. Remain steadfast; your reward is coming.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him (James 1:12, ESV).

     Lord, teach me to have patience through these times that seem almost too hard to endure. Forgive me for wanting to escape the challenge and look for an easier way out. Remind me of the value of resisting temptation and standing strong. I look forward to receiving the crown of eternal life.

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