Thursday, April 5, 2018


     God is serious when he tells us not to be anxious. He isn't just giving us a suggestion. He is telling us of one of the many privileges we have as his children--the gift of never having to worry. Unfortunately, many of us still think we are accomplishing something by worrying; therefore we continue it.
     God alone knows what tomorrow holds, and he knows that we can't change anything by worrying about it. Furthermore, we weren't made to sustain anxiety. Our bodies weren't built to endure it. This is why worry and anxiety can make us physically sick. Nothing delights God more than a child that demonstrates their trust in his goodness and provision by choosing not to worry about tomorrow.

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you (Psalm 55:22, NLT).

     It is an action of great faith and trust not to worry. Trust isn't for the faint of heart. It is an act of maturity. It is a pure, childlike action that takes courage. But know that it is what God intends for you. Ask the Father to help you find the childlike place of trust in him.

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