Monday, April 9, 2018


     Much of our life feels like a chaotic whirlwind that might never stop; running from activity to activity; washing, drying, and folding what feels like a hundred loads of laundry; cooking meal after meal; stopping fight after fight; cleaning room after room; the list of chaos goes on. With that chaos comes a choice: be crazy in our attitude toward everyone around us, or choose peace. There is an obvious winner.
     The chaos of life is what it is. It will be there as long as we have kids, jobs, and houses to run. It can either be embraced as part of life, minimizing the control it will actually have on who we are, or we can buy into the race, giving chaos the control. Choose not to let chaos win.
This God--his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him (2 Samuel 22:31, ESV).

     What tangible things can you do to embrace the busy, chaotic times in life and remember what truly matters? Don't let chaos gain control of a life that is filled with abundant blessings from the Father who loves you and intricately created you.

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