Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rules of Happiness

     Discipline is often followed by tears, so it seems surprising when the Bible associates discipline with happiness! While we may feel ashamed when the Lord convicts our heart of wrongdoing, we need to recognize that God's correction is ultimately for our good. He wants us to do what is right because he loves us.
     It is said that creating boundaries for children gives them contentment because they are clear about right and wrong. This is the way that God teaches us from his law. He doesn't want to enforce rules so that he can punish us when we fail; he wants us to know righteousness so that we can freely walk in it. Will you let him correct, guide, and instruct you in the way you should go? Be blessed as he continues a good work in you.

Happy are those whom you discipline, O LORD, and whom you teach out of your law (Psalm 94:12, NRSV).

     Lord, thank you for guiding me into every good thing. Give me ears to hear and eyes to see the truth of your ways. Help me to learn from your instruction and to know your grace when I need correction. Let me experience the joy of your discipline.

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