Tuesday, April 3, 2018


     It is normal for moms to manage a million things all at the same time. A part of us likes to have control because it gives us a sense of security. But is that security false? What happens when circumstances are out of control? When relationships are broken, our children are sick, or there just isn't enough money in the bank to cover mounting bills? We allow worry to seep into our hearts. We become anxious and insecure. More often than not, we allow our concerns to debilitate us--to rob us from our sleep and kill our joy.
     We don't have to become weary if we remember that we serve a God who loves us so much that he wants us to shrug off the burdens that make us ache and trust him instead. Regardless of the situation and circumstance, God is in control. Our security rests in him and not in our own abilities.

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me" (John 14:1, NLT).

The next time life sends you a curve ball, instead of succumbing to fear and scrambling to maintain control, bring your concerns to the one who listens and cares deeply. What are you worried about today? Talk to God and leave it all in his hands. 

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