Friday, April 20, 2018

No Parenting Guidebook

     Do you remember those early days as a new mom? However God blessed you with a child, there were likely a couple of terrifying first few moments. One minute it is just you, and the next, there's this tiny being you're suddenly responsible for. Your heart is flooded with love, but your hands have no idea what to do. A guidebook would have been nice.
     There are a million parenting books available, blogs to read, and advice to collect from family and friends who have gone before us on this parenting journey, but we still have to figure it out for ourselves. Before we know it, we do. We don't perfect it, but we're parents. We're certifiable women responsible for another little person, and he or she is surviving just fine. Because really, our guidebook for parenting is love. No matter how often our babies are eating, or how many hours they are sleeping at night, our little ones are loved. That is not only surviving, that is thriving.
     Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! (Romans 11:33, NASB).
     Can you see how far you've come in loving your children?

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