Wednesday, April 4, 2018


     What is at the core of our motivations? We all have things that motivate us and reasons why we work hard. We are easily motivated by money, affirmation, and admiration. We might want prestigious titles or big promotions.
     As mothers, why do we put our hearts and souls into our families? There is no financial gain, and rarely do we ever receive affirmation or thanks. Do we do our best so that the world thinks we are good mothers? So that our children like and appreciate us? So that the world will admire our efforts?

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men (Colossians 3:23, NASB).

     What motivates you? Do you work hard because that it what is expected of you, or do you work hard to serve and please God? Whatever you do, do it happily in worship to the Lord. He is the giver of your talents and abilities. He is the strength for your work and the center of your creative inspiration.

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