Wednesday, April 4, 2018


     God isn't asking you to be a perfect mom. He is the only perfect parent. He isn't alarmed by your inadequacies. He knew you would sin, which is why he provided his son as a sacrifice for you to be restored to him when you confess. But there are simple steps you can take to become a better parent.
     Have we allowed distractions into our world that are hindering our ability to parent? Some of these distractions could have begun with a well-meaning heart. Perhaps we had questions on how to parent. Now we have found that we are up to our eyeballs in mommy blogs with no answers and more questions. Many times these "helpful" tools hinder us from going to the one who has every answer we could need. He knows our children better than we do; therefore, he knows the way to parent them. We only have to ask.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him-
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding (Isaiah 11:2, NLT).

     Have you become a victim of distracted parenting? Have you sought the Father for wisdom in parenting before asking the world? He is more than willing to share his heart with you.   

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