Thursday, April 12, 2018


     A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones (Proverbs 14:30, NLT).

     Comparing your life to your friend's life is dangerous. Even the best of us get caught doing it if we aren't careful to guard our hearts. "She has a better job, a bigger house, and a luxurious family vacation every year. My house is tiny, my job is horrid, and we never get to go on vacation!" Sound familiar?
     Jealousy can eat us up inside, leaving us bitter, hardhearted, and cold. Greed and envy can ruin a beautiful friendship. There will always be someone else that has more than we do. Choosing to be content with where we are in life will bring us peace. It will also allow us to genuinely celebrate the fortunes and blessings of others, partaking in their joy. This is a wonderful thing.
     Are you envious of a friend or neighbor? How can you choose to be content with what you have? 

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