Sunday, April 15, 2018


     There are plenty of things that God alone does in our lives. There are things that only he is able to heal and deliver us from. However, there are also areas in our lives that the Lord would love to move in, but he wants us to partner with him to do so. One of the ways he does this is by inviting us to fast.
     Fasting is intentionally not eating food for a period of time--whether it is for a meal, a day, or a week. God uses fasting to strengthen us spiritually. When we take time to intentionally not "feed" a primal need so that we might lean into him and get strength from him, we will find our internal strength increases. If we can regularly practice not eating food when we are hungry, we find that our strength and ability to say no to a particular sin also increases.

"He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30, ESV).

     Fasting is a tangible way to embrace weakness so that God might increase in you. Even if your effort is feeble, rest assured God will honor you for it.

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