Friday, April 20, 2018

Short Years

     Motherhood is such a gift. It requires selflessness. It requires work. It tests your patience. And sometimes, the days feel really long. But the days that you are knee-deep in diapers and up at all hours of the night go quickly. Soon you will be entrusting others to care for your children, and eventually asking your children to take care of themselves. So, hard-working mothers, embrace all that motherhood brings--the beautiful and the hard, the days of the laughter and the days of sickness, the days of play and the days of work, the moments of joy and the moments of frustration. 
     Through all of the years, we know that Jesus is walking alongside us. In every moment, no matter the circumstance, he is there; laughing along with us and wiping away our tears. Motherhood is a gift--a privilege. It is honoring and life-giving.
     May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5, NLT).
     Do you frequently experience the ups and downs of motherhood? Remember in the moments of weakness and moments of joy, that motherhood truly is a gift. And remember who is right beside you through it all.

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