Thursday, April 5, 2018


     Have you ever felt like you haven't been getting recognition for all the work you have done, either in your job or at home? Have there been times when you have seen other people acknowledged for doing seemingly little? Hard work without appreciation can seem very unfair.
     Imagine then how those Pharisees felt when Jesus chose to sit with the sinners! They were bothered by the fact that Jesus was spending time with the unrighteous when they had devoted their whole lives to obeying and working under the law. Jesus responded by saying we don't earn forgiveness; rather, we receive it as a gift. We are all sinners, and yet Jesus chooses to sit with us because he wants to show us mercy. Sit with him and freely receive it!

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners"
(Matthew 9:13, NRSV).
     Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner before you, and yet I thank you  that you have chosen to sit with me here and now, offering your grace and mercy. I receive your forgiveness as a gift, knowing that it is not what I do that makes you accept me. Help me to be merciful to others, as you have been to me.

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