Monday, April 9, 2018

The Labor Cycle

     Often the labor of a mother is cyclical. There are many chores that need to be repeated daily. There are three meals that need to be prepared with two or three snacks in between. There are crumbs on the floor, jelly splotches on the counter, and Sippy cups that need to be washed --every day. There is laundry that literally never ends. And after the house gets put back together, the rooms get straightened, and the kids go to sleep, we end our day knowing that many of those same chores will be repeated again tomorrow. Dear mothers, it is easy to grow weary.
     Weariness can seep in if we fix our eyes purely on the work set before us. The chores will be required of us tomorrow; we cannot change that.But what we can change is what our eyes are fixed upon. We can fix them on Jesus instead of our labors. 

Never become tired of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13, NCV).

     Do you feel weary when you think of all you have to do each day? When your eyes are fixed on him, praise will arise from your heart and lips. You will no longer despise your work; you will enjoy it because you are simultaneously enjoying his presence.

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