Monday, January 30, 2017

Being Afraid of Being Afraid {Read John 12:20-36}

Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered and no one was there.
~ Anonymous ~

"Now My soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray. 'Father, save Me from this hour'?" (John 12:27).

     Most of us are overcome with fear at some time or another. Some people's fear gets completely out of hand in certain situations. There is a long list of phobias, the technical name for ordinary fear, like agoraphobia (a fear of crowds) and claustrophobia ( a fear of confined spaces).
     Jesus was aware that He was facing death and He had to deal with the natural human fear of death. He didn't try to put on a brave face and pretend that He was not afraid. He was a real human being and no other occasion demonstrates His human dignity more than this one. Part of Him feared the cross, but He faced that fear, wrestled with the dilemma of going through with it or not, and then surrendered Himself obediently and courageously to His Father's will.
     Don't be afraid of fear. The fact that Jesus knew what it was to be afraid shows that it is not a disgrace to feel afraid sometimes. Face up to your fear bravely and see it for what it really is. Then quietly and humbly ask God for extra courage. Ask Him to go through this fear with you, to hold you and let His strength work through you.
     Think about how Jesus walked to the cross, quietly and bravely. Surrender yourself unconditionally to God, put yourself in His mighty care and trust Him completely. He will carry you through this.

Lord Jesus, help me to face up to fear and overcome it in Your name. Amen. 

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