Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Glorify God! {Read John 12:20-36}

The radiance of the divine beauty is wholly inexpressible: words cannot describe it, nor the ear grasp it.
~ Philimon ~

"Father, bring glory to Your name" (John 12:28).

     The human race is forever chasing after glory, and most people have a fervent wish to be famous. Sportsmen do their utmost to win championships because it will mean both money and glory for them. Those in the entertainment business strive for the limelight - they want their share of glory. It is the same with politicians who want to see their names in the newspaper and their faces on TV. The same thing happens in religious circles.
     Those who crowded around Jesus after He had raised Lazarus from the dead were glorifying Jesus. But Jesus wanted God to be glorified. He knew that something much bigger than the raising of Lazarus was just around the corner - His crucifixion and resurrection. This was God's tremendous act of salvation and it had to draw people to Him. It had to point to the great Almighty God as the Great Savior of the world. It was also Christ's final act of obedience.
     You are at your very greatest when you glorify God. Glorify Him for His goodness, His grace, His majesty and His love. Honor Him for His constant presence and His help. Love Him for His gentleness and grace, and thank Him for His abundant provision. There is absolutely nothing better that you can do than glorify God!

Holy Father God, help me to glorify You at all times. Amen. 

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