Monday, January 16, 2017

His light on my path shows me the power of the cross

Eternal God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Love made You send Your Son to this sinful world to be our Example and Savior. He had to pay a humanly impossible price. He had to become the Man of Sorrows to make the joy of heaven possible for us. He came to earth in poverty so that we could enjoy the wealth of Your forgiveness. He cast off His godly majesty so that we could become children of the King. He gave His love unconditionally so that we could spread this love to others. His life set a perfect example for us to follow. He died a shameful death on the cross, for our salvation, forgiveness and eternal life. He was triumphantly raised from the dead, so that we may be part of His triumphal procession. Lord Jesus, Man of Sorrows, make us willing to accept the challenges of being Your children and to live and die as Your faithful witnesses. Thank You that those who are part of Your cross also share in Your crown! Thank You that those who suffer with You will also live with You. In the name that is above all names, Jesus our Savior. Amen.

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