Saturday, January 21, 2017

Let Love Flourish {Read John 12:1-11}

Love is the only service that power cannot command and money cannot buy. ~Anonymous~

Jesus replied' "Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for My burial" (John 12:7).

     When you love someone deeply, you sometimes give them a gift that you actually cannot afford. A man might give his wife expensive jewelry even if they are in debt. He feels that this is a way of showing his deep love for her, more than a practical, useful gift would do.
     This is one way of looking at the expensive gift of aromatic oil that Mary gave Jesus. And Jesus treasured that love because He realized it was given to Him in an act of deep, sincere devotion and worship. He knew that He was only a few days from his death. The cross was steadily coming closer and Mary had bought this expensive oil to anoint His body with. Did she sense what was coming, or did Jesus tell her? If she knew, she was probably thinking that it was better to do it then than wait until His death.
     There are many practical ways of honoring God and showing Him your love besides showering Him with beautiful things. But in the end, it is the giver of the gift's love that will decide what the gift will be. So many churches are decorated and adorned by people as an expression of their love for God and their gratitude to Him. Resist the temptation to criticize them and to speculate what they should rather have done with the money. Admire the love and dedication that motivated them to do it. Rejoice in the beauty and glory of these "gifts" because they are token of love for the Lord.

Thank You, Father God, for all the beautiful gifts that bring You joy and glory. Amen. 

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