Monday, January 30, 2017

Love of Life and Love for God {Read John 12:20-36}

No one ever lost out by excessive devotion to Christ. 
~ H. A. Ironside ~

"Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity (John 12:25).

     Sometimes it is said of a deceased person, "He/she lived life to the full." This simply means that they had lots of energy and did many things. We also say, "He/she loved life," which means that they had many sources of joy and pleasure.
     Jesus said that the road to true life, eternal life, is to let go of everything and hand it over to God. By that He meant that if you give yourself over in a selfish way to your personal health, riches and enjoyment, you will actually lose the life you seek. You end up absorbed in yourself, while your love for others steadily diminishes, distancing you from God. But if you give your life to God, you will get to know a new dimension, both here and in eternity.
     William Barclay tells the story of the life of Cosmo Lang. He had a strong personality with an overpowering ambition for worldly success. A friend, who was a devout Christian, convinced him to give his life to Christ and he became an Anglican minister. While he was studying, he went to the prayer chapel of the college one day to pray. While he was there, he heard an unmistakable voice saying, "You are needed." He finally rejected all his earthly ambitions in obedience to God. He later became the Archbishop of Canterbury.
     God also needs you, whether you hear a voice or not. He wants you to give up all your selfish desires in obedience to Him and live for Him.

My spirit, my soul, and my body I dedicate to You, O Lord. I offer myself as sacrifice to You forever. Amen. 

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