Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jesus Calling 1-14-17

LET ME BLESS YOU with My grace and Peace. Open your heart and mind to receive all that I have for you. Do not be ashamed of your emptiness. Instead, view it as the optimal condition for being filled with My Peace.
     It is easy to touch up your outward appearance, to look as if you have it all together. Your attempts to look good can fool most people. But I see straight through you, into the depths of your being. There is no place for pretense in your relationship with Me. Rejoice in the relief of being fully understood. Talk with Me about your struggles and feelings of inadequacy. Little by little, I will transform your weaknesses into strengths. Remember that your relationship with Me is saturated in grace. Therefore, nothing that you do or don't do can separate you from My Presence.

1 SAMUEL 16:7; ROMANS 8:38-39


  1. I have been reading your blog since the 1st...and i look forward to every new post with the lord! Yu have helped me rebuild my relationship with Our Father and i look forward to every new day with Jesus Christ! Thank yu Margaret for being on this journey for a new life with Our Creator! God Bless yu in everything yu do....yu have no idea what this means to me!

  2. Thank you for your kind words. I have been struggling to rebuild my relationship with God as well. Life has a way of making you question your faith and the existence of God. I see that that is merely a way for the devil to keep my mind and energy on things that I need to let go of and let God handle. I am truly happy that this blog is helping you. If there is ever anything that you want to discuss, share, or touch on please let me know. You and I are both on this journey together. May God bless you and add a blessing to you while reading His Word.
