Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Follow Christ's Example {Read 1 Peter 5:1-11}

Leadership is found in becoming the servant of all. ~ Richard Foster ~

Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example {1 Peter 5:3}.

     Authority and leadership require specific qualities. Simply being dynamic and decisive is not enough. And it is not enough to have knowledge or to be innovative, either. High on the list of priorities for leadership are the qualities of compassion for fellow humans and understanding, combined with sincere humility.
     During His short earthly ministry, Jesus drew great crowds to Him, but in spite of His authority and power, He led by example. His teachings were not words only, but also actions. He was caring, and His loving compassion and understanding for all could be clearly seen. The Romans used their power to rule over the people, and the priests and scribes used their positions of authority to gain the admiration of the people. Jesus, however, used the simplest and most effective way, namely that of love, to draw people to Him.
     If you are in a position of authority, remember that your power will be measured by the example you set, and not by the extent of your authority. To achieve this, look up to Jesus and the example He set. If you demonstrate the practices and character typical of Jesus in your dealings with people, your leadership role will prove to be successful.

Father God, enable me to show compassion and love for my fellow humans in all my dealings with others. Amen.

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