Thursday, January 5, 2017

Christianity's Challenge {Read Philippians 2:1-11}

Growth is the only evidence of life. ~ John Henry Newman ~

You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had {Phil. 2:5}.

     The different churches interpret Jesus Christ's challenge according to their own explanation of His message. For this reason, it is difficult to understand what Jesus' challenge to His followers really is.
     One thing, however, is very clear. Those who call themselves Christians, and walk the road in fellowship with Him, must grow in grace and knowledge of their Lord, Jesus Christ, so that they can become more and more like Him. Any Christian who is satisfied with less than this has an incomplete gospel.
     To walk in fellowship with the Living Christ and to grow in His grace and knowledge demands spiritual and mental discipline. You don't need to be a brilliant student, but the brain that you do have must be dedicated to Christ to the very best of your ability. Through dedication, your thinking must be set free from fear, hate, bitterness, greed, pride and any other destructive power.
     If you feel incapable of meeting these high standards, call to mind all the wonderful promises in the Bible. The Scriptures insist that Christians must have Jesus Christ's attitude, and through this discover the Master's approach to life, share in His wisdom and experience His guidance.
     If this challenge and truth sound too theoretical to you, always remember that the Master and His indwelling Spirit promises this to all who are willing to accept it.

Holy Lord Jesus, grant that I will reveal Your attitude in my life, in this way glorifying You. Amen.

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