Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Power of Prayer {Read James 5:13-20}

You cannot alter the will of God, but the man of prayer can discover God's will. ~ Sundar Singh ~

Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray {James 5:13}.

     Very few people in our world today don't have problems of some kind or another. The media reports on wars, tribal conflict, disease, famine, drought, floods and many other disasters. There are those who suffer in their personal lives because of sickness or sorrow and some have financial problems. Others suffer a forced change in lifestyle that is a cause of concern to them when they think of the future. The fact that people are worried and upset is a fact of life - but what is the solution?
     To the person who is staggering under the pressure of worry and stress, the following might seem like a hypocritical statement, but what Paul says is the undeniable truth: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them" {Rom. 8:28}. Irrespective of your current problem remember that the Lord has an eternal view of life. He will use your current circumstances "to work together" for your own good, on the condition that you trust Him to lead you. Golgotha is a classic example of this.
     No matter how much you are suffering, never stop praying for the power of faith that will enable you to give yourself and your problem to God, and to trust Him to lead you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.

Hearer of prayer, I call out to You in my anxiety and need and know that You will hear and answer my prayer. Amen.

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