Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Trust and Hope {Read Isaiah 1:21-31}

Those who keep speaking about the sun while walking under a cloudy sky are messengers of hope, and the true saints of our day. ~ Henri J. Nouwen !

The strongest among you will disappear like straw; their evil deeds will be the spark that sets it on fire. No one will be able to put out the fire {Isa. 1:31}.

     History is packed with remnants that were left behind when mighty people who seemed invincible were eventually defeated. When those who were driven by evil tendencies reached their end, it was an example of good triumphing over evil. This always created the possibility of a new beginning.
     The leaders who ruled over Israel were no exception. They allowed and encouraged idolatry. They did not care for the poor and the weak. They were involved in corrupt and selfish practices and made a mockery of justice. They disobeyed God.
     But, as always, God would have the last word. Isaiah prophesied that these people would be destroyed by their own evil deeds and that this would pave the way for a new order that would bring about peace and hope for the nation. He looked beyond the present and trusted God to restore peace.
     No matter how powerful dictators might be, in the end they always get what they deserve. God will clear the way for peace, hope and of justice. If you look at the world around you today, there are situations that seem hopeless - but they aren't. Because God is God, He will pronounce judgment over the mighty and evil leaders and create the possibility of a better life. Never despair. Keep on trusting and hoping.

Almighty God, destroy the mighty that multiply evil, and establish Your government of truth and righteousness. Amen.

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