Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Human Word {Read John 1:1-18}

Jesus Christ is God in the form of man; as completely God as if He were not a man; as completely man as if He were not God. ~ A. J. F. Behrends ~

So the Word became human and made His home among us {John 1:14}.

     In the days before e-mail, cellphones and computers, there was a trend to have what was called pen pals in different parts of the world. If you had something to tell your pen pal on the other side of the world, you wrote them and they wrote back. Sometimes pen pals exchanged gifts. Gradually you got to know each other better and better. But to really know that person, you had to meet him yourself, speak to him and spend time with him face to face.
     This is what God did in Jesus Christ. He came to us Himself. Before this, He sent messages through the prophets. He spoke directly to people. 
     People could see Him, speak to Him, listen to Him and touch Him. This made all the difference. And knowing that He loved them urged people to love Him, too.
   For a few short years the Everlasting, the Creator came to earth as a human being of flesh and blood. God's message took on a human shape. He grew, struggled, learned, ate, worked, slept, suffered and died for us. But it was more than "with us and for us." It was for you! If Christ was God's Word to you personally, what is your word to Him?

Eternal God, thank You that You became human for a period of time so that I may shout Yes! to You. Amen.

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