Monday, January 2, 2017

The Mark of Distinction {Read John 13:31-38}

Our only business is to love and delight ourselves in God. ~ Brother Lawrence ~

"Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples" {John 13:35}.

     Each Christian church has its own distinctive teachings. In most cases, it is claimed that the teachings are inspired by the Holy Scriptures, yet in spite of this, these teachings can drive God's children apart and bring division.
     This conflicting dogma has already caused much confusion and done great harm to the faith. People who have given up Christianity point to the division in the church and say, "See there, that's how Christians love each other!" Many earnest seekers don't know what they should believe anymore.
     The Master made it clear that His disciples would be known by their  attitude toward one another. This kind of love is not selective, and chooses not to be displayed only in religious fellowships and gatherings. If someone loves Christ, they must also love other people who love Him. Failing to do this is denying the Master's instructions.
     The obstacles that cause division between God's people are often very hard to overcome. Dogma, religious organizations, pride and control all contribute to estrange churches from each other. It is essential that the spirit of love increase so that we can overcome obstacles created by human thinking. We must also love those who have conflicting theological opinions. This is only possible if our love for the Master is the most important experience in our lives.

Grant, Holy Spirit, that I express my religious convictions with love and understanding. Amen.

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