Sunday, January 15, 2017

How long has it been since you told God thank you?

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sin of Ingratitude

I still sin even though I am a Christian, but I hope that it is not the sin of ingratitude and that I take my salvation for granted because Jesus died for me, and for you, too, if you’re born again. How can I ever repay Him for that? The truth is that none of us can ever repay our Savior for dying for us. He died for us while we were still sinners and enemies of His (Romans 5:8, 10). How then can Christians not fail to always give thanks to God for all that He has done? What more could He have done for us? How long has it been since we told God thank you? I need to ask myself that question. In my daily prayers, I try to always remember to give Him thanks for the many blessings I have, especially for the gift of eternal life through Christ (Romans 6:23) because that’s the greatest gift of all.

An Attitude of Gratitude

Paul, in writing to the church at Colossae, says that whatever we do or say, we should do it all in thanksgiving to God (Colossians 3:17). This means giving Him thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18), both good and bad. Paul never qualified his often repeated command to be giving thanks when only blessings happen because even bad things that happen can bring blessings in unexpected ways, and all the good and bad things in our life always work out for our best (Romans 8:28). So why not have an attitude of gratitude?

Gratitude for one Another

I have a custom at church. I like to thank people for what they do: the Sunday school teacher, the sound technician, the deacon, the worship music leader, and just about anyone else. It’s also biblical because Paul frequently thanked God for members of the church (Romans 1:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:3). Are we thankful to God for each member of the Body of Christ? I never used to thank anyone but God, but we should stop and think about how others contribute to the church. We need God, of course, but we also need one another, and it doesn’t hurt to tell them. How long has it been since you told God thank you? For me, it’s never often enough.

A Closing Prayer

Father, thank You for all You have done for me, a sinner, now forgiven and a child of Yours. I also thank You for each member of the church because we all need one another. In Jesus Christ’s precious name I thank You and pray.


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