Friday, January 13, 2017

Look Ahead {Read Isaiah 65:15-25}

When considering the creation, the how and the when does not matter so much as the why and the wherefore. ~ R. de Campoamor ~

"Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore" {Isa. 65:17}.

     As time goes by, it is to your own advantage to consider how your faith helps you to walk the road in the world we live. You may have your own personal reasons why you feel either pessimistic or optimistic about the future. It will probably depend on the plans you cherish for the future, or the disappointments you experienced in the past. Try to focus on your personal situation and acknowledge the God who is the God of the Bible, as well as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
     We look ahead with hope in our hearts because, in addition to Him being the God of unlimited sources and initiatives, God is also the God of renewal and re-creation. His creative work goes on forever. Even if we are caught up in the past, God isn't. He is the God of the future because He comes to us from the future as the eternal Creator. As wonderful as His work was in the past, He is constantly seeking to create a new heaven and a new earth.
     The book of Revelation ends with a dream God has for the future. His creative work is never finished. He is still making new things. He is able to create new things and new people from the destruction and decay of the past. Look around you and see if you can find God's wonders in your life and in creation, and bow down before the Creator God of worship.

Creator God, let me look ahead to Your future creations with hope in my heart. Amen.

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