Thursday, January 19, 2017

Evil Lurks All Over {Read John 12:1-11}

If you have been tempted into evil, fly from it. It is not falling into the water, but lying in it that drowns. ~ Anonymous ~

Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would soon betray Him, said, "That perfume was worth a year's wages. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor" (John 12:4-5).

     It is sad but true that most of us are a mixture of good and evil and that there are more troublemakers than honorable people. Even the best among us are at risk of suddenly and rapidly going bad.
     In John's story about the events in Bethany, he set the scene with strongly contrasting role players. Lazarus was there, filled with love and praise for the Man who called him back to life. Martha was there, busily going about her humble duties. Mary was there, offering a fragrant token of her love. And Judas Iscariot was also there, his greed for money so strong that he scorned her offering of love.
     If Mary's beautiful gift of love was passed on to us through the ages, it is equally true that Judas is also alive and well among us. There are those who are willing to use the structures of the established church to play their own power games, promote their own publicity and twist the gospel to suit their own political agendas.
     Christian believers must not be too shocked when, at some stage, leaders they trusted are involved with evil. It lurks around every corner and is forever on the prowl where people interact. Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ places tremendous temptations on the path of Christ's most devoted servants. Pray for those who have fallen by the wayside; but also pray for those who didn't, so they aren't snared as well.

Lord Jesus, protect Your servants in all temptations and trials. Amen. 

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