Monday, January 30, 2017

Through Thick and Thin {Read John 12:20-36}

There is no other method of living piously and 
justly, than that of depending upon God. 
~ John Calvin ~

"My servants must be where I am" (John 12:26).

     People who have battled through tough times together develop a special bond of friendship, like soldiers who fight side by side in a war, or miners who survive a mining disaster.
     During His three-year ministry Jesus and His disciples experienced many things: they witnessed miracles; stood firm through opposition and scorn; wrestled to get to know the truth of God; survived a storm on the Sea of Galilee, and started a movement that would have a tremendous influence on humankind. His suffering and consequent resurrection bound them to Him more than anything else. When the Holy Spirit came, they understood these things better.
     To this day, people live and die for Him. A female physician once told Bryan Green, the Anglican evangelist, of a painful experience she had. She accidentally cut and poisoned her finger during surgery, which led to intense pain and suffering. On more than one occasion it seemed that her life was in danger, but eventually she recovered. She said, "I would trade this experience of pain and suffering for nothing else, because during it the presence of Christ was more real to me than ever before."
     Whatever your trial or suffering, find Christ in it and journey with Him. Beyond the problem, anxiety and exhaustion, you will find that Christ surrendered Himself for you and that He will never let you down. Whether you sense His presence or not doesn't matter - He is holding you tight! Don't ever forget this.

Lord Jesus,let me always walk with You and trust You under all circumstances. Amen.

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