Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How Can I Serve God? {Read Philemon 1-9}

Our Lord does not care so much for the importance of our works as for the love with which they are done. ~ Teresa of Avila ~

Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God's people {Philem. 7}

     Many people want to serve God, but don't know how. The result is inevitable - they experience a vacuum in their spiritual life and become frustrated because they feel that their lives lack fulfillment. They search in vain for ways to witness for the Lord and serve Him, but every avenue seems to be a dead-end. In their disappointment, they withdraw more and more, until, inmany cases, they reject a faith that seems meaningless to them.
     Every one of the Lord's disciples has a capacity for loving and there can be no better way of serving the Lord than to share the love of Christ with others. Love can encourage, save and give the helpless and the desperate hope. It can break down dividing walls, build relationships, bridge all gaps and heal all wounds. As Paul puts it, "Love is the greatest of all!"
     If you are looking for a way to serve the Lord, why not start by loving others in His name? A telephone call, a note, paying someone in need a visit, or contacting someone involved in the Lord's work can bring great joy and encouragement. Even more important, it will bring fulfillment to your own life while you serve the Lord in this way.

Use me, heavenly Father, to share Your love with others on the road of life. Amen.

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