Monday, January 16, 2017

Focus on Christ {Read Matthew 17:1-13}

Christ is a jewel worth more than a thousand worlds, as all know who have Him. Get Him and get all; miss Him and miss all. ~Thomas Brooks~

When they looked up, Moses and Elijah were gone, and they saw only Jesus {Matt. 17:8}.

     A truly devout life is filled with rich experiences. You may belong to a vibrant church and the community you share with other Christians is a great inspiration to you. Your service to God might develop your personality far beyond your greatest expectations and you might feel that Christ is working through you. As you reflect on the time before you accepted Christ as your Redeemer and Savior, you are amazed and overjoyed at the difference He made in your life. The old life has made room for the new, and in your life, the right priorities now top the list.
     While you rejoice and stand in awe of all the wonderful things God has done for you, don't allow your joy and enthusiasm to sidetrack you from your love and devotion to Jesus Christ. When talking about everything Jesus has done for them, many believers turn the spotlight on themselves instead of Jesus Christ. Without them noticing it, this egotistical attitude becomes part of their lives and it is detrimental to their spiritual experiences as disciples of Christ.
     When Peter, James, and John received their revelation and heard the Holy Voice speak, they got up from the ground where they had fallen face down in terror, and "saw only Jesus." This is the decisive moment of the Christian experience. No matter how wonderful your own spiritual experiences might be, they can only be credible if Jesus is the focal point.

Lord Jesus, I keep You at the center of my life, because when I have you, I have everything. Amen.

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