Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Resurrection and the Life {Read John 11:14-26}

Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection. ~Watchman Nee ~

Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in Me will live, even after dying" {John 11:25}.

     We human beings are a strange mix. It is in our nature to be selfish and yet we reach complete maturity when we love. We are lazy by nature, but realize our greatest achievements when we work hard. We are capable of the most atrocious wickedness, but also of unbelievable goodness. We are a continuous battlefield for growth and decay, and life and death are always close bedfellows, whether we are aware of it or not.
     Jesus came to give life a new dimension - life in all its fullness. Yet death pursued Him for the greater part of His life. When He invited His disciples to follow Him, He told them it was not going to be a path of roses - more like taking up a cross. And many who followed Him died an early earthly death precisely for this reason - that they were His followers. 
     He was life to them and in Him they found a quality of life that death could not destroy. They hoped for the resurrection that He taught them would come at the end of time, but found that it came for them in the middle, and before they died. The "Jesus method" of life was not limited to any single phase, time or status. If you believed in Jesus and followed Him, His life and resurrection power was already alive and working in you - and continued after your death.
     To Christians, resurrection is a promise for the future. But that future has already begun, because faith in Christ brings Him to life in your inner being. Therefore, rejoice - your resurrection has already begun!

Resurrected Master, live Your life in me. Amen. 


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