Saturday, January 28, 2017

So Many Blessings

I may not have everything that I want in my life, but I have everything that I need. There are days that I get so sad and depressed when I look around and see what "I don't have." I want a big beautiful house, a new car, a killer wardrobe, I want to travel across the world, and live a life of leisure. But instead, I wake up Monday-Saturday at 5AM to get ready for work. I work 8 hours and then I have to come home and cook, clean, do laundry, take care of my grandson, take care of the dogs... It feels like I'm a maid sometimes instead of a person. I'm always tired and it's not easy dealing with constant set backs. I get so depressed that I question the existence of God. I have to admit that Satan gets a hold of me sometimes and he really works me.
     But I know that He is there. He is ALWAYS there. I am alive. I have clothes on my back. I have food in my belly. I have a roof over my head. I have a car to drive. I have a job to drive to. I have a healthy grandson. I am walking, talking, and breathing. I have no reason to complain about anything. There are so many blessings that we take for granted everyday. The biggest one is being alive. When I start to get that demon of sadness and depression on me, I just pray and say, "God has blessed me with another day of life. I am here another day because He loves me and He is showing me favor." 
     There are so many blessings in this world that He gives us everyday. I am learning to look at life by looking at how much I have instead of what I don't. Satan will try to get in your mind and make you look at things in a doubtful way. He knows that we are blessed, but if you have any doubts or weaknesses, he will take those thoughts and run with them. He will play on them and magnify them until your faith is shaken. It has happened to me more times than I can count. 
     We need to be strong and keep our faith strong. Read the Bible everyday. Pray everyday for strength. Ask God to keep your mind, body, and soul. Satan is out here roaming around like a wolf waiting for his next victim. Don't let it be you. 

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