Saturday, January 7, 2017

Lies and Gossip {Read Matthew 5:1-12}

The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism. ~Norman V. Peale~

"God bless you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are My followers" {Matt. 5:11}.

     Life can sometimes be hard if you are a sensitive soul. It is possible that you convince yourself that people are saying untrue and unkind things about you and this makes your life miserable. And then there are people who find perverse pleasure in telling you what others say about you.
     If what is said about you is true, you must do something constructive to neutralize the cause of the criticism. If not, you must rise above the negative comments and be spiritually strong enough to decide that you will not allow people to hurt or influence you with their mockery and snide remarks.
     The only way to rise above the unfair lies and be free of the hurt it causes, is to live for God's approval and no one else's. It is possible to stop people talking about you, but make sure their lies are totally false.
     When you are battered by gossip, don't respond in the same way - don't stoop to their level. Bring the person to know God's love by means of prayer or other action. Always remember that God knows all about your pain, and if you involve the power of prayer and love in the matter, you are following the most constructive path.

Lord Jesus, help me through Your wisdom to handle lies in a constructive way. Amen.

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