Friday, January 20, 2017

Hidden Agendas {Read John 12:1-11}

He that will play with Satan's bait, will quickly be taken with Satan's hook. ~Thomas Brooks ~

Not that he cared for the poor - he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples' money, he often stole some for himself (John 12:6).

     One of the greatest truths about the devil is that he always appears in the form of "an angel of the light." So whenever people claim that they never think about themselves, but always act entirely in someone else's  interests, watch out! Few people are genuinely unselfish.
     Judas pretended to be a particularly caring person. At the time, John, who tells us the story, probably trusted Judas. But when he wrote down the story, he had seen right through Judas. Judas had shown his true colors by then, and was trying to enrich himself at the expense of the poor - and of Jesus. Judas loved money and would take someone else's gift to fill his own purse. The poor would see nothing of the money. 
     There are robbers all around you who pretend to be knights in shining armor. Politicians proclaim their deep concern about "the poorest of the poor" while they are in fact seeking publicity for themselves. Churches and church leaders might make an appeal for donations to help the poor and they sometimes do praiseworthy work, but not always. Some are more concerned about their own welfare. There are businesses that do the same. Make sure that when you give, you can trust those who work with your contributions. and insist that they account for their stewardship.

Holy Lord Jesus, keep me from ever wearing the money-grubbing mask. Amen.

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