Sunday, January 29, 2017

The International Faith {Read John 12:20-30}

The gospel of Jesus Christ can make bad men good and good men better, can alter human nature, can change human lives.
~ David O. McKay ~

Some Greeks had come to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration (John 12:20).

     We associate certain traits with certain nationalities. Exquisite cuisine belongs to the French; engineering to the Germans; watches to the Swiss and business to the Israelites.
     We also associate religion with the Israelites. The Jewish faith traveled far and people of various nationalities found firm ground on which to build their faith in the Ten Commandments. For a long time the Greeks were the leading nation in the ancient world. The Greek army conquered and occupied large parts of the world, their philosophy was among the very best and their architecture breathtaking. Some Greeks took up the faith of Israel and came to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem. Little did they think that they would experience the birth of a new faith - a faith that would spread across all of Greece. God would not be limited to Israel. All over the world people would meet Him, not by means of the Law and the Commandments of Israel, but through the Prophet of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ.
     Christianity burst its banks, like a river in flood. When the Holy Spirit and the persecution from Rome drove the apostles far and wide, the news of Jesus Christ spread rapidly. The same would happen in Asia Minor, in Syria, North Africa and even in Italy. Tradition has it that Thomas took the gospel to India. Wherever you might go and whatever you do, be sure to pass on the message of Jesus' love.

Holy Father, through the Holy Spirit, make me a faithful witness of the gospel. Amen.


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