Sunday, January 1, 2017

No Sunday Christians! {Read Proverbs 8:12-21}

Do not let Sunday be taken from you ... If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan. ~Albert Schweitzer~

All who fear the LORD will hate evil! Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech {Prov. 8:13}.

     When you surrender yourself to Christ and you are dedicated, it is a permanent and unconditional act. The Lord gave a clear indication of this when He said, "Anyone who isn't with Me opposes Me, and anyone who isn't working with Me is actually working against Me" {Matt. 12:30}.
     The implication cannot be missed: Christians must identify with Christ in every aspect of their lives. By demonstrating it in the way they live, they attract others to Jesus because they are an example of His love.
     It is a sad fact that very little of the godliness many people reveal during Sunday worship is seen in the way they do business. They are involved in shady business transactions; they show their dishonesty, through their social agendas and lack of compassion, understanding and love. These things have no place in the Christian faith, and are a total denial of Jesus Christ.
     Your love for God must always be evident in your love for one another, and you should behave like you do in the house of the Lord on Sundays. Remember, as a Christian, you constantly live with, and are in the presence of, the Master. Turn away from everything unchristian and honor God the Father every hour of every day.

Give me the grace, God, to live to Your glory and honor every day. Amen.

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